Relax With A Hot Stone Massage In Tucson!
When most people book a massage in Tucson, they stick to traditional techniques like Swedish massage or deep tissue massage. Don’t overlook hot stone massage. Hot stone massage is a little off the beaten path. You probably think of someone using their hands to work out knots in sore muscles. The idea of using a stone to give a massage might seem a little abstract but give it a try. It might just become your favorite way to relax.
How Does A Hot Stone Massage Work?
A hot stone massage is performed very similarly to a manual massage. The biggest difference is that the massage therapist is holding hot stones in their hands. Rather than the hands performing the mechanical motions of massage, pressure is applied to the muscle with the stones.
The stones are warmed to a comfortable temperature, somewhere between 110 degrees and 130 degrees Fahrenheit, which is similar to a heating pad or electric blanket on the low to medium setting.
If you feel the stones are too warm or not warm enough, you should tell your massage therapist. Your massage therapist wants your massage to provide you with relaxation and relief. If there’s anything they can do to make the experience more accommodating to your comfort, they’re always willing to do so.
Hot Stones Provide Soothing Warmth To Sore Muscles
When your muscles are sore, you’ve probably been told to alternate ice and heat. Heat makes things expand. When your muscles and blood vessels get warm, they expand a little bit. Circulation improves and stiffness dissipates.
When the muscle is dilated, it’s easier for the massage therapist to stimulate the tissue. Lymphatic byproducts can easily drain away, and fresh oxygenated blood can easily enter the muscle to support its natural repair process.
This is one of the biggest advantages that a hot stone muscle has over a traditional massage. Massages performed without any tools utilize pressure and movement without the addition of heat. Heat can help with immediate relief, and it can also make a massage more effective.
Massage Can Treat Symptoms Of Medical Conditions
Massage therapy is medically recognized as part of a treatment or management plan for many medical conditions. Massage therapy can be used for everything from post workout muscle recovery to the management of chronic arthritis. Massage can’t cure or directly treat these conditions, but it can significantly reduce the uncomfortable symptoms people experience when they live with certain conditions.
Massage can improve physical symptoms of muscular or nerve aches and improve quality of life. By stimulating the affected area of the body and encouraging the body’s healing responses, the body receives a boost in its ability to perform its natural functions.
Massage Can Help Improve Mood And Sleep Quality
Massage can encourage the brain to release neurotransmitters like serotonin, which help people to feel calm and relaxed. If you’re stressed out or experiencing chronic discomfort, this natural mood boost can go a long way in helping you feel like yourself again.
Massage can ease the effects of everyday stress. Many people with high stress jobs schedule regular massage appointments. Some workplace wellness programs arrange for massage services to be provided for their employees.
The same neurotransmitters that promote a calm mood can also improve sleep quality, and many people would benefit from a little more sleep. One in three adults aren’t getting the recommended seven hours of sleep per night. If you’re one of those adults, try a hot stone massage.
Who Shouldn’t Get A Hot Stone Massage?
Hot stone massage is suitable for most people. You shouldn’t get a hot stone massage if you’ve had surgery within the past six weeks, if you have any open wounds in the massage area, if you have a history of blood clots or bleeding disorders, or if you have an injury or illness that affects the health of your bones.
Prenatal massage is usually safe for most pregnant women with doctor approval, but hot stones shouldn’t be used on pregnant people. Stick to a specialty prenatal massage designed to ease pregnancy related discomfort.
If you’re not sure, ask your doctor. Your doctor will know if you’re a good candidate for massage therapy. Some doctors will even recommend massage therapy as a complementary treatment for their patients.
Book A Hot Stone Massage
We offer a comprehensive menu of massage services performed by licensed massage therapists. We offer hot stone massage as well as several other types of massage. If you’re not sure which type of massage is right for you, one of our experienced massage therapists will be able to explore your options with you. If you have any questions, you can reach us by phone. If you’re ready to book an appointment, you can also use our convenient online booking tool.